Life Experiences: 15 Qualities of Magnetic Personalities

Some exceptional people bring a difference in your life!

Vijay Bhargav Chettipalli
13 min readJan 17, 2021
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

In your everyday life, you meet many people. While most of them are like passing clouds in the sky, there are those finite set of extraordinary people who leave lasting impressions on you. They have preternatural magic within themselves that resonates continuously from them like glaring spotlights and they give positive vibes. We refer to them as “ Magnetic Personalities”.

According to Paramahamsa Yogananda, spiritual magnetism is “the power of the soul to attract or create whatever it needs for all-around happiness and wellbeing.”

Individuals who have those magnetic personalities have the proclivity to enhance the lives of people around them. They love to plant a wide smile on people’s gloomy faces. They love to encourage people to do better than what they are now. They yearn to make the world a happy place.

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As the phrase, “Magnetic Personalities” tells us that people are like magnets. Magnetic Personalities needn’t either have a sculpted face or a sturdy body. They also needn’t be extroverts. They don’t need to dress up flashily or adorn themselves with exclusive accessories to captivate people. They possess the inherent charisma that rules out the necessity for them to have all of those adornments.

Although magnetic personalities might possess an encyclopedic set of qualities, I would like to delineate a couple of them basing on my experience. I have met several people in my life and there were certain qualities I loved that I wanted to absorb from them. However, I would like to discuss two people who inspired me extremely.

Usha Kommuru — My friend for the past 18 years

Sunil Chettipalli — My second cousin

I strongly believe that they are magnetic personalities. I always look up to them and have the ardent desire to imbibe those wondrous qualities in me.

Inspire Others

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There are certain periods in everyone’s life where individuals lose hope and they feel stranded on a sinking ship amidst a fierce ocean. They feel non-plussed and need a profound source of support system. It’s your turn to act, do a pep-talk, and encourage them to do miracles in their lives.

There was a time in my life when I was drowned in a knot of stress and anxiety when everything went either way. I developed anxiety and insomnia for a couple of months and found it to be an arduous task to come out of it. It was as if I was trapped in a cobweb giving up to remove those tangles surrounding me and not attempting to free myself.

Usha has been with me through thick and thin. She was one of the very few people who constantly encouraged me to do bigger things in my life. She motivated me. She spoke about the great qualities and innate talents I have and pushed me to explore the uncharted waters in my life, which made me a confident person. 2020 was a nightmare for everyone. It was for me too! However, Usha cheered me up to do things that I always loved and I started exploring many things that I always wanted to do in my life. I began writing, which I often dreamt of as a school going lad.


Enthusiasm- the sustaining power of all great action.

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Enthusiasm is electricity for life. You are crystal clear about your wishes. You build castles in the air. But! When it comes to your actions, you procrastinate. You lack the zest to fulfill your dreams and you are glued to the same step, putting no effort into making progress.

I was flabbergasted by the fervor Sunil had to learn new things. He reached great heights in his life, accomplished fantastic things for his age, and is doing a well-paying job at a reputed company. But, he is a lifelong learner. He never misses an opportunity to grasp new things and pushes himself to become a virtuoso in everything he took up.

I asked him “ What is your driving force ?”

He replied “ Life is a never-ending goal. I never expected I would achieve so much and I just trusted my hard work. In my perspective, hard work is more important than smart work. I have an explanation regarding this. If you fail after working hard, though you fail, it’s a learning for you. When you do smart work and fail, you just feel this is lost and it’s okay to look for other options, and eventually, there’s no learning in it.”

In essence, he believes hard work to be his driving force.


Meditation is one of the most underrated things when compared to physical fitness.

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The Sound Body is the product of the sound mind

As working out is essential for the proper functioning of the body, meditation is requisite for the mind.

Though I had a good understanding of the benefits of meditation, I developed more knowledge regarding the benefits of it when I heard about the Vipassana meditation technique from Usha. I was amazed when she told me about how it helped her grow as a person and what impact it had on her life.

“I am ready to help” attitude

In a world gushing with selfishness and greed, there are very few individuals who step forward and are ever ready to help.

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

In the current times, every action has become calculated like the barter system in the olden days. When someone asks for help, most people before even attempting to support them in dire need, initiate a mental analysis of the benefits they would receive by helping this person.

Whenever I text Sunil or Usha, asking for some guidance or suggestion regarding certain things, they are amongst the very few people who respond to me promptly. They give their valuable time to educate me and I don’t even bear in my mind, the number of times they called me up on their own and took an hour or more to help me pave my path when I felt lost or was perplexed about a petty problem or a convoluted quandary.

Sunil says “One's experiences can help anyone. I know the pain of going ahead in life without much guidance and support. So, I’m always ready to help people when someone is in need.”


A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. – William Arthur Ward

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Smile is contagious. Smiling boosts up your immune system elevates your mood and also makes people around you happy. Stop pressing your lips tight and try being Mr. Serious. Greet people with a warm smile and maybe you are the reason to brighten up their day.

Sunil never missed a chance to come ahead with a beaming smile and say a “ Hi!” when someone he knows passes by.

A smile and a hello wouldn’t cut off a pound from your hard-earned wealth. Greeting a person doesn’t make them your superior, or make you inferior to them. It makes them feel respected and valued. It leaves you with a sense of happiness and satisfaction.

Be Appreciative

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Whether you accept it or not, every human longs for hearing appreciation. Remember your childhood days, you cleaned your little cupboard and you run to call your mom to see it. What were you expecting? An appreciation. Isn’t it?

Take some time from your allotted time for mindless scrolling of Facebook feed and you could appreciate someone. Your appreciation could be a source of motivation for the person to do better.

I can name only a handful of people who always ensured to give feedback for every article I published in the medium. A small talk about some parts of the article and a few words of appreciation undoubtedly impelled me to keep writing articles.

Putting yourself into challenging situations

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When you are provided everything in life, it’s hard for you to acknowledge the value of life and tend to take everything for granted. You complain about every petty problem and even the slightest change in your lives would leave you vexed. So, give yourself a tinge of difficulties or challenges once in a while to realize the value of life.

Usha says “Restrict yourself from fun activities once in a while and do something difficult for you, to understand the importance of existence and to help you stick to your motto or end goal in your life. Upon completing the challenge, you also feel a sense of satisfaction and an enormous amount of confidence pumping in your blood.”

Sunil shared his life experiences about how he always looked for new challenges in his life, gave full efforts to conquer and emerge with flying colors. He went through testing times in his life, but never gave up and became a stronger person with each hustle in his life. He says the challenges he faced made him strive hard and reach the pinnacle. He says “ Learn lessons from every problem and become a stronger person than ever.”


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

It’s hard to be humble when everything goes according to your master plan in life. A widely held misconception is that being humble means having low esteem. But the fact is, a person becomes arrogant when he or she has a limitation or negative thing inhibiting him to be confident. A person is humble when he knows thoroughly about his strengths or weaknesses and doesn’t need to mask his weakness or drawbacks because he owes everything about him.

Sunil is one of the most humble persons I have ever met in my life. I feel astonished at how he is so down to earth. He always speaks with a wide smile and eyes gleaming with affection and concern. Sunil is a Senior Silicon Design engineer, working with AMD, earning a six-figure salary every year. I was amazed by his accomplishments in 6 years after his graduation and he is not only a star in his work but also a champion in other fields as well. He won the strongest man of the year in his company. He ran many 10K marathons and was amongst the top hundred people amongst 1000s of people. His love for martial arts made him undergo rigorous training and he secured a Green Belt.

Sunil says “ When someone is humble, though he falls, he knows how to get up and go ahead. An arrogant person would not come up in life as he is not ready to gain momentum and fight the battle of life when he falls.“


Photo by BBH Singapore on Unsplash

Being authentic means being your true self and sticking to your core values and personality, without altering with changing environment or in the presence of people who are fundamentally different from you.

Authentic people don’t try to put on different masks for different situations. They are the same and don’t behave like chameleons to accustom to changing environments or people.

Amongst all the people I have seen in my life, Usha always sticks strongly to what she believes and abides by her core values, even in instances where the majority are supporting a different opinion, she sticks to the one she always feels right.

Sunil is a teetotaller. He never indulged himself in smoking or drinking alcohol though he was surrounded by people asking him to start consuming and convincing him it to be a way to socialize and climb up the corporate ladder. He simply denied and told he isn’t interested to do so, binding to his core values and not altering them to the suggestions given by the people around him.


A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. — Winston Churchill

Sunil says “Looking for the positive side in every difficulty, having unwavering perseverance and relentless hard work will take you to the summit.”

Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Usha is a very dedicated person. She felt she was particularly keen on becoming a lawyer and kept months of effort into cracking the Delhi University LLB entrance exam. Despite taking many mock tests and practicing lots of varied questions, unfortunately, she couldn’t get through the exam.

She looked for the positive side after this failure and explored many things for months after the exam results came. She did various courses that she was interested in, started sketching after many years, and applied for many jobs. For a couple of months, she couldn’t land any job but she became more optimistic with each passing day, and finally, she got an intern in a Venture Capitalist company. Her peers in the office were much ahead in terms of skills and knowledge, but it didn’t deter her. She worked day and night to learn more things about her field. Within a couple of months, she surpassed her peers in every aspect and the result was an offer for a full-time job from different teams within the same company.


Courage is the strength to confront, persevere, and withstand agony, pain, uncertainty, anger, fear, or difficulty. It is one of the most important qualities one should try to imbibe to reach great heights in life. Step out of your comfort zone, do something you always wanted to do but never did, and try visualizing positive things in difficulties.

Photo by Gabriele Stravinskaite on Unsplash

The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.” — Aristotle

Sunil is the epitome of courage. His father breathed last in his hands when he was 16 years old, just during his grade 12 final examinations. It was a traumatic experience for him, he was in a trance and out of mind. He could have blamed the circumstances, gave a poor performance for his exams, and could break the avenues for a rewarding career waiting in his future. However, he took the responsibility for his dependent mom and sister and pushed himself to be a demon for work, reminding himself about the goal continually and visualizing himself achieving his dreams.


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Empathy, in simple words, means, stepping into the shoes of the other person and feeling how they feel. Being empathetic just doesn’t mean you hear something and be self-contained, you feel what the person is going through.

For instance, if your friend had a terrible breakup and she’s crying badly, you don’t just try to pacify her by lowering your voice. Instead, you feel sad for what she had to go through and support her.

Usha is a life guru and the biggest support for several people I have known. She has the innate ability to understand people at much deeper levels which all humans are not capable of. She is a very empathetic person I have known and gives the best answers to every problem.

Committed to personal growth

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Personal growth is the process by which a person recognizes himself or herself and continually develops himself or herself to reach his or her full potential. Personal growth is an important part of a person’s growth, maturity, success, and happiness.

Sunil says “ Life is a continual process of learning. I try to get better in everything I do and try to learn and imbibe new skills that change me to become a better individual “

Usha says “ I never create an elaborate list of new year resolutions. I just choose quality or habit each year and try to work upon it. The previous year, I had the resolution to work hard. “

Well-spoken and articulate

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

You might be right in telling something to someone. But, maybe your approach isn't nice. You should step into the shoes of the other person and see how he or she might feel for the way you talk or convey your feelings, thoughts, or opinions.

Usha is an expert in understanding people on deeper levels. More interestingly, reading their minds and feelings. She knows the best way to convey her ideas or solution about the difficulty a person is going through in a subtle manner, which makes it easy for the recipient to accept.

Sunil shared his experience at his workplace. The manager appointed back end work to him, which was not his domain. Though he deals with the front end, Sunil accepted to do the back-end work. He didn’t have much of an idea regarding it and tried the best possible way to complete it. Surprisingly, the manager instead of appreciating or telling him about certain places he could learn or improve, the manager shrewdly mentioned that he was no different from the janitor in the office.

The way you talk to people and the kind of language and words you fill in have a humongous impact on a person’s feelings.

The Takeaway

Not every person is born with qualities that make them a magnetic personality. But, everyone can try to imbibe certain qualities and bring a difference in their lives and transform others' lives as well.

“ Change is the unchanging law of nature “

Bring a positive change in yourself and be the reason for the joy the people around you could be fortunate to have.

